Our Work
We collaborate with organisations across a range of industries to co-create solutions that deliver real-world impact.
StatsNZ - Place and Ethnic Group SummariesDisplaying data about New Zealand’s communities and ethnic groups. Topics include population, work, income, education, and housing.
JumpStarterHelping New Zealanders turn their business dreams into reality with proven guides and tips for starting a business and building their first website.
Case StudyNZ Companion Animal RegisterNZ's database of 1.3 million microchipped animals. Reuniting lost pets with their families
Case StudyKaipara Moana RemediationEnabling the effective allocation of $200 Million in funding to reduce sediment and other contaminants
Internet New Zealand Internet Insights ReportSummarising the yearly survey of 1,001 New Zealanders, exploring online attitudes, behaviors, and the Internet’s impact on our lives.
Case Studydata.govt.nzManaging open access, indexing and publishing of 34,000 NZ Government datasets
Case StudyNZTA Journey PlannerProviding realtime journey information across the state highway network
Case StudyAppraisal ConnectorSupporting the professional development of over 10,000 teachers across New Zealand
Case StudyNitrogen use recording (n-cap)The national system for reporting on synthetic nitrogen fertiliser use.
Domain Name CommissionOverseeing the .nz domain name space in New Zealand.
AgriSmartUI revamp for a leading ERP solution in the Agri sector
Aura Care ConnectFrictionless online booking for radiography clinics
Detour RoutesImproving safety and travel times when incidents occur on State Highways
Transport for WellingtonProviding multi-modal transport information to Wellington commuters (NZTA)
Transport for ChristchurchWebsite and app providing multi-modal transport options to Christchurch during the rebuild (NZTA, CCC, SDC, WDC & ECAN)
Virtual Medical CoachingPlatform for delivering specialist medical training globally via Virtual Reality
Manaaki Whenua – Landcare ResearchTurning science into knowledge - making decades of research accessible
Smelt-it: Bromley Odour ReportingCollecting and verifying crowdsourced data to identify and locate the source of objectionable odours in Bromley
Smart View ChristchurchUX research & refresh to bring together hundreds of smart cities datasets into a single interface for Christchurch
Independent Hearings Panel for Plan Change 14Providing information on the Independent Hearings Panel's review of the Christchurch Housing and Business Choice Plan Change (PC14)
Cruise Guide to the Marlborough SoundsDelivering up-to-date maps, marina details, and cruiser reviews, with local experts moderating feedback to ensure reliable information on the Marlborough Sounds.
Case Studies
Companion Animals NZNZ Companion Animal RegisterSupporting Companion Animals NZ to get lost pets home to their worried families.
NZ Transport AgencyJourneysJourneys is a national system that pushes the boundaries of what current technology is capable of.
NZ Road Controlling AuthoritiesmyWorksitesMadeCurious partnered with roadworking authorities to build myWorksites.
Stats NZ and the Department of Internal AffairsData.govt.nzMadeCurious is partnered with a multi-agency public sector team working towards transparent government through proactive open data sharing.
Te Uru KahikaWells Aotearoa NZThe national system for Te Uru Kahika to manage well and groundwater records.
The University of CanterburyStudent First ProgrammeThe Student First Programme is a three year business change programme transforming student administration at the University of Canterbury.
Kaipara Moana Remediation ProgrammeKaipara Moana RemediationRestoring the health and mauri of one of the word’s largest harbours, the Kaipara Moana.
Land Information New ZealandForward Works ViewerMadeCurious partnered with North South GIS and Jacobs Engineering Group to deliver the Forward Works Viewer as part of The…
InterLEAD ConsultantsInterLEAD ConnectorMadeCurious developed the online appraisal system enhancing the professional learning of New Zealand teachers.
Covid-19 TracingTracingDeveloping a simple and efficient contact tracing tool used by almost a quarter of a million Kiwis during the Covid-19…
Te Uru KahikaNitrogen Cap (n-cap)The national system for Te Uru Kahika to understand synthetic nitrogen fertiliser application.
White papers
White paper downloadCertification & Accreditation GuideCertification & Accreditation (C&A) is the process for proving information systems meet minimum standards in New Zealand Government.
White paper downloadChanging VendorsA playbook for product owners managing public sector digital assets.
White paper downloadGovenment Procurment for digital servicesLessons we've learnt around simplifying Government procurement.
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