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Parliament building in Wellington with the Beehive in the background

MadeCurious is a provider of choice to the New Zealand Government

Procurement processes can be challenging for people inside and outside of government.

If you are working in a NZ Government entity and looking engage with us, or are struggling to understand your own procurement processes, you might like to consider contracting with us via Marketplace.

Pae Hokohoko | Marketplace radically simplifies the procurement process for both the supplier and the agency, reducing costs and letting everyone get stuck into the real Mahi of delivering public value much sooner.

Marketplace lets government agencies engage directly with service providers with confidence, knowing that each supplier has already been assessed according to their track record, personnel, experience, capabilities, and security requirements.

MadeCurious has been an approved supplier on Marketplace since its inception and can offer a range of services.

Marketplace service offerings

  • Digital Experience

    • Project Management
    • Front End Development
    • Back End Development
    • User Insight
    • Visual Design
    • Information Architecture 
  • Infrastructure & Managed Services

    • Application Management and Administration Services
    • Database Management and Administration Services
    • Server Management and Administration Services
    • Storage/ Archive Management and Administration
  • Data and Information

    • Data Migration Services

We can undertake various Technical Consultancy engagements, including from our Colabs team ( under discrete service listings.

Of course, we can also support & maintain your software product via our Managed Services offering.   

In addition to the various security reviews that have formed part of the Pae Hokohoko | Marketplace supplier onboarding process, we are proudly ISO  27001:2013 Certified and experienced with supporting government agencies to navigate their Certification & Accreditation process.

Media Suite
is now

All things change, and we change with them. But we're still here to help you build the right thing.

If you came looking for Media Suite, you've found us, we are now MadeCurious.

Media Suite MadeCurious.